About us

Your Special Happening is an Italian company based in Tuscany, in Montelupo Fiorentino, an ancient Medieval town situated in a strategic position between Florence and Pisa (just 15 minutes from Florence and 40 minutes from Pisa).

Our company was founded in 1995 and has specialized in arranging weddings and special events for foreigners in the most beautiful and exclusive locations of Tuscany and Italy.

Over the years, Your Special Happening has extended its activity beyond the organization of weddings, ceremonies, blessings and receptions to the planning of exclusive tours and special events in Tuscany and all throughout Italy in stunning locations such as Venice, Rome and the Italian Riviera.

The will to grow and to innovate has always been the force behind our company, a company that was one of the first agencies to specialize in the organization of weddings in Italy for foreigners.

Your Special Happening is an incoming tour operator, providing tailor-made services to all those interested in visiting or getting married in the most exclusive and hidden places in Tuscany and Italy.

Today, Your Special Happening continues to be a leader in wedding planning services in Italy.


Mascia Scardigli
Founder, CEO and Wedding Planner

Mascia graduated from the University of Florence in Modern Foreign Languages (English, German, French) and has worked in the tourism field, as a teacher and tour guide, in various European countries over the course of several years.

She has a vast personal knowledge of Italy and mostly of her native Tuscany, where she currently lives.
She has travelled and lived throughout France, Germany, England and Austria, always with a thirst for learning more about the traditions of other lands.
Her extensive experience together with her positive energy, warmth and enthusiasm make for the perfect combination in her role as coordinator for exclusive events and experiences in her beloved homeland.


Tracy Liu
Travel Designer, Villa Specialist

Tracy came to Italy over 20 years ago as a native neurotic New Yorker and has since found herself transplanted into the quiet, sleepy back roads of Tuscany, falling hopelessly in love with the beauty of its land and the simple yet rich way of life in this part of the world.

Her instinctive desire to share her passion and discoveries of Italy with others is what guides her as she puts together brilliant itineraries full of unique experiences for our guests in Italy.
Tracy's first-hand knowledge of Italy and its culture, combined with her precious insight into the foreign traveller's mind, are essential assets behind our travel designing services. Clients often mention Tracy as that sort of special friend who just happens to live in Tuscany, whose expertise brings about all those wonderfully special experiences that otherwise would not have been possible.


Cassandra Galletti
Assistant Coordinator

Cassandra Galletti graduated from the University of Pisa in Foreign Languages and Literature (English, Spanish and German) and has lived and studied in England.

She has always had a particular interest in getting to know people from all over the world. Cassandra's positive attitude, cheerful personality, dedication and creativity is an excellent mix and she is an indispensable part of the team that makes it all happen!

Contact us

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